Postmortem -
Read details
Nov 14, 12:11 GMT-03:00
Resolved -
The workaround in our environment has restored the functionality and usability of our platform.
Nov 14, 12:08 GMT-03:00
Monitoring -
Mitigation Measures:
We applied a workaround to our network infrastructure to mitigate the issue for all customers and received positive feedback from them that the platform is back to normal.
Given this feedback, we monitor the environment to make sure it remains stable.
Nov 14, 11:25 GMT-03:00
Identified -
Incident Summary:
The Desk and Portal are inaccessible for some customers.
Impact Analysis:
In short, the Portal presents a completely gray screen for some users and the Desk displays the Blip icon loading page (which keeps loading indefinitely).
Current status:
Our technical experts are gathered in a war room investigating the scenario with full focus.
The analysis revealed that the failure was due to a failure in our supplier that controls and releases resources on the Blip platform.
We opened a ticket with them and requested priority service.
At the same time, we found a workaround in our network infrastructure to mitigate the problem and have already received positive feedback from some customers that this action resolved the problem for them. Given this validation, we are currently implementing the same solution for other customers.
Nov 14, 10:38 GMT-03:00
Update -
Incident Summary:
The Desk and Portal are inaccessible for some customers.
Impact Analysis:
In short, the Portal presents a completely gray screen for some users and the Desk displays the Blip icon loading page (which keeps loading indefinitely).
Current status:
Our technical experts are gathered in a war room investigating the scenario with full focus.
We are validating the integrations that are part of the redirection process for user login.
As soon as we have new information, we will keep everyone updated.
Nov 14, 09:07 GMT-03:00
Update -
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Nov 14, 07:00 GMT-03:00
Investigating -
We are currently experiencing low performance on Blip Portal.
Slowness when using Blip Portal.
Our support team is actively working on it.
Nov 14, 06:45 GMT-03:00